
sábado, 12 de septiembre de 2020



  • Jorge Zavaleta <jorgez.1944@yahoo.es>
    Para:JCAMERIERI66@OUTLOOK.COM,jcamerieri1966@outlook.com,Roberto Camerieri,adolfo céspedes thorndike,Gustavo Stuart Alegre
    sáb., 5 sept. a las 20:46
    We need an urgent change of the world
    elmercuriodigital.- September 04, 2020

    Atherton is the richest town in the US, it took off with the Silicón Valle technology boom, according to the BBC
    Jorge Zavaleta Alegre

    We are living through a very difficult stage that commits power groups to demonstrate the will to change, in favor of their permanence, without shocks or waves of violence to overcome the greatest shortage of work, wages and the urgent demands of entire peoples. See: https://eacnur.org/es/actualidad/imagenes/fotos-de-ninos-pobres-20-desgarradoras-imagenes

    Just six months after the appearance of the 2019 Pandemic, the representative institutions of the planet speak of a generalized crisis, but deep down the most affected are the poorest towns, the areas where there are no drinking water services or electricity. In the cities, the victims are those who live in the marginal districts, where the average overcrowding is five to six people per bedroom, with improvised toilets. There is not even a health post.

    These same conditions are found in some developed economies that are home to migrant populations, whose incomes are insufficient, because more than 50 percent of their wages are derived to their home towns as essential aid.

    Public hospitals, for the first time, have opened their doors to a population that has never arrived before and the serious shortage of essential services and a shortage of medical professionals has been discovered.

    Private medicine has shown once again that tragedies are the best opportunities to profit without limits. The largest laboratories calculate whether or not it is convenient to participate in the financing of discovering and commercializing the long-awaited vaccine.

    Hiding or keeping silent about this reality, economic groups demand the active presence of the States, to regain their full presence in the market. For the first time, ECLAC is clearer in its message. The tragedy has reduced the income of the national companies and they see that their wealth comes from this massive consumption of entire towns.

    ECLAC explains that COVID-19 calls for building a new development model and strengthening regional integration to face the crisis, which has been caused by the excessive exploitation of natural resources, the overcrowding of cities and the desertification of the best land.

    The Executive Secretary of the organization, when participating in the webinar of the EU-LAC Foundation, urged the creation of a “new green deal” with Europe for a more democratic, less unequal and more sustainable world.

    The pandemic of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) demands that we build a new development model, with more redistributive institutions that have greater concern for minorities, women and the elderly, without forgetting climate change, he said. the representative of the specialized organization in Economy and Development for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), during a seminar convened by the EU-LAC Foundation, in Hamburg.

    I also reflect on and call on the European Commission to create a “new green deal”, as Latin America and the Caribbean have been doing, so that both can converge towards a more democratic, less unequal and more sustainable world. They participated in this meeting entitled "Responses and opportunities of regional organizations to the COVID-19 pandemic"

    The main representatives of the EU-LAC Foundation, the European External Action Service (SEAE); Ambassador of Mexico to the European Union, representative of the Pro Tempore Presidency of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (PPT CELAC).

    The Undersecretary General for Human and Social Development of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). The General Secretariat of the Central American Integration System (SICA). The Joint Research Center of the European Commission. The meeting was moderated by Adrián Bonilla, Designated Executive Director of the EU-LAC Foundation.

    In its presentation, ECLAC stressed that the COVID-19 pandemic invites us to think about the dominant economic-commercial model. The privatization of health systems has led to enormous fragmentation, revealing the enormous inequality that exists in our region, he emphasized.

    COVID-19 is a global pandemic and therefore also requires a coordinated global response. “No country will save itself, even less in a world that today is more interconnected than ever in the history of humanity. This has been transmitted with force and clarity by the Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, in the letter he addressed to the leaders of the G20 on March 23, "he said.

    ECLAC recalled that the Latin American and Caribbean region will suffer strong impacts as a result of the coronavirus. The Commission in its Special Report COVID-19 N⁰ 2 with its new projections

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