
jueves, 22 de enero de 2015

HACIA UN CUARTO CINE, Jorge Zavaleta Balarezo



Thesis for: Ph.D., Advisor: Elizabeth Monasterios, Juan Duchesne, John Beverley, Hermann Herlinghaus, Aníbal Pérez-Liñán

ABSTRACT Contemporary Latin American cinema features a series of realist portraits and testimonies, in which young filmmakers develop their own visions of the new conditions of life on the continent. This dissertation looks at these specific cinematic visions of beings who survive on the edges of marginality and violence.

The dissertation is articulated specifically along topics representing critical approaches to movies produced in Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Mexico. The works of a new generation of filmmakers including Alejandro González Iñárritu, Lucrecia Martel, Israel Adrián Caetano, Carlos Reygadas and Fernando Meirelles uncover a series of erosions of the social composition of the countries where these directors live. In addition, their films —as lucid and contradictory cultural artifacts representing a new era that is characterized by easier access to technology— tell us about the expansion and development of neoliberalism in Latin America starting in the late 1980’s and the harmful consequences of this economic model.

Chapters One and Two analyze the conditions of marginality and violence in Latin American cities represented by movies such as Amores Perros, Ciudad de Dios and Pizza, Birra, Faso. Experiences of social exclusion and poverty reflect aspects of life in the new century in one of the most conflictive regions of the world.

Chapter Three is specifically devoted to restoring and maintaining the memory of the bloody years of the Southern Cone military dictatorships, in the 1970’s and 1980’s, during which thousands of people disappeared and national tragedies occurred, as dictators claimed they were carrying out a frontal assault on Communism.

Chapter Four approaches new global scenarios, including films like Batalla en el cielo, El aura and El secreto de sus ojos. In these movies a perspective of negotiation and exchange of subjectivities is presented, influenced by some European master filmmakers (Antonioni, Bergman, Tarkovsky).
This dissertation argues that contemporary Latin American cinema is gaining prestige and has become an art to which the academic field looks with interest and enthusiasm. It confirms the possibility of experimental art without boundaries, one that raises crucial questions.

El autor:
Education:  2011, Ph.D., Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures, University of Pittsburgh.
Concentrations: Contemporary Latin American Film, Film Studies, Cultural Studies, 20th and 21st century Latin American Literature.
Dissertation: Hacia un Cuarto Cine: violencia, marginalidad, memoria y nuevos escenarios globales en veintiún películas latinoamericanas. (Toward the Fourth Cinema: Violence, Marginalities, Memory and New Global Scenarios in Twenty One Latin American Movies.) 
Graduate Certificate in Latin American Studies, Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS), University of Pittsburgh.
M.A., Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures, University of Pittsburgh.
Concentrations: Latin American Film, Cultural Studies, Brazilian Literature.       
M.A. Research paper: Crisis y cambio social en el cine peruano contemporáneo.
(Crisis and Social Change in Contemporary Peruvian Film)
2005, B.A., Lingüística y Literatura Hispánicas, Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Lima.)

“Imágenes de sobrevivencia: las películas de Claudia Llosa y el ambiguo universo del cine peruano.” In: Pobreza y globalización en el imaginario latinoamericano actual. Eds. Stephen Buttes and Dianna Niebylski. (forthcoming)
“El cine en el Perú: ¿la luz al final del túnel?” In: Literatura peruana hoy: crisis y creación. Ed. Karl Kohut et. al. Frankfurt and Madrid: Iberoamericana, 1998. 262-265. 

“Desde los márgenes: Los detectives salvajes, novela transnacional.” Catedral Tomada 2.1 (2015): 116-137.

- “Sexualidad, opresión y el fin de la esperanza en El Sexto y Hombres sin mujer: retratos de dolor y crisis colectiva.” Nomenclatura 2.1 (2012): Article 8.

- “Borges y el cine: imaginería visual y estrategia creativa”. Mester 39.1 (2010): 111-130.      

- “Un lustro sin Roberto Bolaño. Visions of Latin America. IV-1 (Spring 2009): 10-11.
- “Travesuras de la niña mala.Visions of Latin America. III-2 (Spring 2008): 7-8.
- “Pícaros y crisis social en Rinconete y Cortadillo.Q. En un lugar de las letras. Ed. Jorge Gómez Jiménez. Cagua, Venezuela: Letralia, 2005. 103-107.   (http://www.letralia.com/ed_let/pdf/quijote.pdf ) - “Dogville: atrapados por el destino.Butaca 26 (2005): 38-39.
- “Josie Bliss: un poema para comprender la tradición erótica en Neruda.Residencia en la Tierra de Letras. Ed. Jorge Gómez Jiménez. Cagua, Venezuela: Letralia, 2004. 48-51. (http://www.letralia.com/ed_let/pdf/neruda.pdf).                
- “Borges va al cine.” Variaciones Borges 32 (2011): 231-236.
( http://www.borges.pitt.edu/sites/default/files/ResenaZavaleta.pdf )
-“Crisis and Capitalism in Contemporary Argentine Cinema.” Revista Iberoamericana. 77.235 (2011): 606-609.
-“Imágenes gay en el cine mexicano.Revista Iberoamericana.76.232-233 (2010): 1003-1006. 
- Psicoanálisis estival (a collection of short stories) (forthcoming).
- “Butter” (short story). Apuntes Hispánicos 9 (2008): 34-38. (http://www.spanport.utoronto.ca/apuntes/v9/balarezo.pdf ). 
- Católicas (novel). Lima: Jaime Campodónico Editor, 1998. 
- Hacia un Cuarto Cine: violencia, marginalidad, memoria y nuevos escenarios globales    en veintiún películas latinoamericanas. (forthcoming).
Conference Paper Presentations:
-          2010,“Adrián Caetano y una trilogía de la marginalidad: Retratos de exclusión,  violencia y crisis social en Pizza, birra, faso, Bolivia y Un oso rojo. Paper presented at the “34th Colloquium on Literature and Film.  Department of Foreign Languages, West Virginia University.
-          2009, “Psicoanálisis estival.” Short story presented at the conference on History and Fiction: For the Record.” Department of Romance Languages, Boston College.    
-          2007, “La belleza, motivo trágico en La estrella de Sevilla.” Paper presented at the conference on “Teatro del Siglo de Oro: Hacia la tragedia. Department of Romance Languages, University of Chicago.
Other Conference Roles:
-          2010, Chair, “Hispanic Linguistics” Session. “34th Colloquium on Literature and Film.  Department of Foreign Languages, West Virginia University.
-          2011, “The New Argentine Cinema”, Center for Latin American Studies, University of Pittsburgh.
-          “Hacia un cuarto cine”, in “Chema a las 10” (Radioprogramas del Perú, July 2012),          ( (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL3U3Yt50KM )

 Awards and Honors:
-          First Prize for a film review (“Dogville, atrapados por el destino”), Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, 2005.
-          Modern Language Association (MLA).
-          Latin American Studies Association (LASA).
-          Spanish (Native speaker).
-          English (Near Native Speaker).
-          Portuguese (Reading knowledge).

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