
sábado, 1 de agosto de 2020


TIME. - La Paz.- Bolivia 2020, democracy on the way.
Violence is the midwife of History, it is an affirmation accepted throughout the centuries. The reflection, in 2019, is still valid, although the difference is that nature itself tells us: enough, enough, enough with the destruction of the planet.
The 2019 corona virus pandemic is generating the greatest changes in the vision of today and tomorrow for all the inhabitants of the earth.
The NY Times noted months ago the case of Bolivia as a "Schrödinger coup", in honor of the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger, when "they exist in a permanent state of ambiguity and at the same time it is a coup d'état and it is not," without hope of being able to classify the events of Bolivia in a “single and clear” category
The small Latin American republic did not accept the fourth government of President Evo Morales, who had to go into exile - first to Mexico and then to Argentina - and the temporary government, of Janine Añez, with the consent of the people, has called new elections, on September 6, 2020, assuming the responsibility of concentrating its best efforts to confront the pandemic that plagues the earth.
Bolivia, whose economy in 2019 showed a negative balance in the current account of the balance of payments, increased the stock of external debt, lowered the international reserves of its Central Bank, and the monetary entity did not have independence from the Executive Power.
The level of fiscal deficit was high, issuance and monetary base coupled to the fiscal balance in order to prevent a low inflation rate and maintain a Nominal Fixed Exchange Rate. The purpose was or is to create the credibility factor before the economic agents.
The Bolivian economy (2006-2019) was characterized by a greater role for the State in all activities, made up of 4/5 by the informal sector and 1/5 by the formal sector. Nobel Prize-winning economist Douglas North (1993) points out: "Formal and informal institutions are the key to understanding the historical change of a society and must be an integral part of economic analysis," emphasizes research from the Faculty of Social Sciences-National University. from Bolivia.
Income inequality has been an economic problem that has been confronted with various policies, from anti-poverty strategies, the granting of bonuses to individuals, expanding health care coverage, prioritizing the allocation of public resources to programs for people with lower income.
The current transitional government administration began its “management under adverse initial economic conditions, serious liquidity restrictions, and an official Public Governance dependent on the good faith, ethics and professionalism of a large number of related public officials.
In the first quarter of 2020, the World Health Organization and its regional representation declared the COVID-19 pandemic, and Bolivia has been facing the dilemma between life or the economy. Well, the government administration chose life and for this purpose citizens would be protected who do not contract and are vehicles that transmit the deadly virus, in addition to falling ill or dying.
The industrialization of natural resources will be a priority in economic policies, within the framework of respect and protection of the environment and the rights of the nations and native indigenous peasant peoples and their territories.
The articulation of the exploitation of natural resources with the internal productive apparatus will be a priority in the economic policies of the State and that it will be a promoter of the plural economy (public, cooperative, private, and community economy sectors.
The COVID-19 pandemic, with a global presence and risk, threatens the lives of more than 11 million Bolivians. The greatest good in society is the life of Bolivians, then there is the economy, which is why the unconventional economic policy used was oriented primarily to strengthening the health sector and then to the recovery of the Bolivian economy. The results of the execution of economic policies, allow us to point out that criteria prevailed before the two pandemics: COVID-19 and economy.
After six months of the transitional government administration, the leaders of political coalitions and authorities of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal agreed on the date of September 6, 2020 for the holding of national elections.
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Jorge Zavaleta

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