
miércoles, 29 de julio de 2020

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TIME.Lima-Emmitsburg. Racism and the informal economy are the drama of America.
The "civilized" world asks "why does racism exist? Pavas, is a small town in the Cordillera Negra, opposite the Cordillera Blanca, in the Andes of Peru. Weeks ago Carmen Inés Angeles returned to her homeland, but He met with the unanimous rejection of the inhabitants of his childhood hamlet.
Faced with this attitude of the people of Carmen Inés had to choose p ...
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Jorge Zavaleta Alegre

The "civilized" world asks "why does racism exist? Pavas, is a small town in the Cordillera Negra, opposite the Cordillera Blanca, in the Andes of Peru. Weeks ago Carmen Inés Angeles returned to her homeland, but He met with the unanimous rejection of the inhabitants of his childhood hamlet.

Faced with this attitude of the people of his ibfancia, Carmen Inés had to choose to return to Lima, to a human settlement in the capital founded by the Spanish, which is preparing to celebrate the two centuries of national independence.
Pavas's collective rejection not only explains fear of the likely entry of the 2019 pandemic, but also as a rejection of the absence of more than three decades from the place where his parents, grandparents and great-grandparents lived. Carmen's parents were close to the owner of a landowner whose employer behavior was very aggressive towards the peons and their families, inclusive refused to build a place for primary school. There was never a vaccine for the peasants or "pongos", border smuggling ...
Black Lives Matter decentralized movement that advocates nonviolent civil disobedience against African Americans.

This social behavior can be deadly, since crime does not only occur through murder. Today the world is mired in two pandemics: VOC -2020 and social punishment for those who return to their native soil, as an expression of refuge and / or failure. 

 The pandemic leaves more than 400,000 victims on the planet. The second cause, an impossible number to calculate, but possibly much higher. Actually, the consequences of racism or a violent attitude that can be very dangerous.

For example, the United States is currently a world in a period of revolt, after the murder of George Floyd. The 40-year-old African American, who died after a policeman immobilized him by pressing on his neck with his knee. Cases like this are terribly common, both from the hands of the police and from people who assume aggressive behavior against the Indian, the cholo, the black ... just because of the color of the skin.

But not only direct violence can end the lives of people discriminated against. Racism can trigger death in much less scandalous but equally troubling ways.

April Thames, a specialist in clinical neuropsychology and an associate professor at the University of Southern California, discusses the consequences of racism on health that is not only physical but also mental.

Las estadísticas apuntan que los afroamericanos tienen una esperanza de vida menor que la de las personas estadounidenses blancas. Además, suelen ser más propensos a muchas enfermedades, entre las que se encuentran varios tipos de demencia y numerosas patologías cardíacas.

En un estudio  del 2016 se demostraba que la soledad y otras situaciones de frustración  influyen sobre la expresión de genes. Otras investigaciones han demostrado que el estrés crónico altera la función de ciertas regiones cerebrales, como el hipocampo. Esto puede desencadenar la aparición de demencias, como la desarrollada con el alzhéimer.

También se ha corroborado el hecho de que una persona negra deba señalar cuál es su raza antes de la realización de un examen.La población afroamericana a menudo tiene problemas para acceder a la sanidad. En una encuesta realizada a población afroamericana en Estados Unidos, el 45% de ellos aseguró haber tenido problemas para encontrar una casa y recibir atención médica. Esto, lógicamente, también afecta a su salud, tanto directa como indirectamente.

La historia de Seyolo Zantoko, un médico congoleño licenciado en París, representa un esfuerzo para ejercer su profesión y conseguir la nacionalidad francesa. Se muda, junto a su esposa y sus dos hijos.

El Médico Africano, es una tragicomedia franco-belga dirigida por Julien Rambaldi y basada en la historia real de la familia del rapero Kamini Zantoko (el hijo pequeño).

Es una historia singular y reveladora sobre el fenómeno migratorio africano y el miedo a la diferencia (en forma de racismo) de la Europa rural de los años setenta.

Y Latinoamérica y el Caribe siguen siendo países con marcada conducta del desprecio y la mofa contra el poblador andino, que en lo que va del siglo XXI la migración interna se ha traducido en la expansión de "pueblos jóvenes", con grandes poblados sin agua potable, ni servicios médicos, sin polícía. Gran parte de esta población tiene como fuente de trabajo el comercio informal de productos de China, Corea, India. El contrabando por las fronteras de Chile y Bolivia incluye venta de licores y ropa sin control de calidad. La Banca, Seguros y Cooperativas trabajan muy de cerca con esta población subempleada.  

The production of drugs, from the coca leaf, is another illegal source, on which there are mountains of reports and complaints, but the reality and consequences are so strong and virtually part of the economy ...

Social clubs, homes, shopping centers ... have luxurious facilities and walls that will separate the districts with people from the mountains and jungle, where domestic service and the sale of imported merchandise come from. 

The pandemic that the world is experiencing, with a more serious incidence on the majority of the lower-income populations, raises the need to correct, change economic structures and a frontal war against corruption and to re-found the institutions of the Democratic Republic.
Racism and the informal economy are the drama of America.
The "civilized" world asks "why does racism exist? Pavas, is a small town in the Cordillera Negra, opposite the Cordillera Blanca, in the Andes of Peru. Weeks ago Carmen Inés Angeles returned to her homeland, but He met with the unanimous rejection of the inhabitants of his childhood hamlet.
Faced with this attitude of the people of Carmen Inés, they had to choose to return to Lima, to a human settlement in the capital founded by the Espñoles, which is preparing to celebrate the two centuries of national independence.
Pavas's collective rejection not only explains fear of the likely entry of the 2019 pandemic, but also as a rejection of the absence of more than three decades from the place where his parents, grandparents and great-grandparents lived. Carmen's parents were close to the owner of a landowner whose employer behavior was very aggressive towards the peons and their families, inclusive refused to build a place for primary school. There was never a vaccine for the peasants or "pongos", border smuggling ...
Black Lives Matter decentralized movement that advocates nonviolent civil disobedience against African Americans. It allows us to know the dimension that racism implies.
Social behavior can be deadly, since crime does not only occur through murder. Today the world is mired in two pandemics: VOC -2020 and with social punishment for those who return to their native soil, as an expression of refuge and / or failure. 
 The pandemic leaves more than 400,000 victims on the planet. The second cause, an impossible number to calculate, but possibly much higher. Actually, the consequences of racism or a violent attitude that can be very dangerous.
The United States is currently a world in a period of revolt, after the assassination of George Floyd. The 40-year-old African American, who died after a policeman immobilized him by pressing on his neck with his knee. Cases like this are terribly common, both from the hands of the police and from people who assume aggressive behavior against the Indian, the cholo, the black ... just because of the color of the skin.
But not only direct violence can end the lives of people discriminated against. Racism can trigger death in much less scandalous but equally troubling ways.
Statistics indicate that African Americans have a shorter life expectancy than white Americans. In addition, they are usually more prone to many diseases, among which are various types of dementia and numerous cardiac pathologies.
A 2016 study showed that loneliness and other situations of frustration influence gene expression. Other research has shown that chronic stress alters the function of certain brain regions, such as the hippocampus. This can trigger the onset of dementia, such as that developed with Alzheimer's.

And Latin America and the Caribbean continue to be countries with marked behavior of contempt and mockery 
The production of drugs, from the coca leaf, is another illicit source, on which there are mountains of reports and complaints, but the reality and consequences are so strong and virtually part of the economy. And the pandemic that the world is experiencing, with a serious incidence on the majority of lower income populations, raises the need to correct, change economic structures and a frontal war against corruption and re-found institutions.

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